Price is for a 1lb spool. Please verify the length you need based on the Length Per Pound\nMil-Spec: A-A-59963\nType I (Non-Coated)\nSize F\nColor:34258\nTex No: 90\nPly: 3 or 4\nFinal Twist TPI (min): 5.0\nLength Per Pound (yards) min: 4,200\nBreaking Strength, lbs (min.):10.6\nElongation, % (max):28\nBerry Compliant\nMade in the U.S.A\nPurpose: Tex size 90 non-coated polyester thread is the preferred choice for leatherworking and upholstery projects. Its non-coated structure ensures strong and durable seams, making it ideal for leather goods and furniture upholstery.